Context-menu 1.2.1


MenuMaid is also a simple software which helps you enable and disable context menu options. To start, download the software and install it. Once installed, launch it from the Start menu.

As you can see from the image below, MenuMaid can manage context menus of both Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. To disable any context menu option, all you have to do is deselect the checkbox next to the option you want to remove.

For instance, since I never use the context menu option “Convert to PDF in Foxit Reader,” I want to disable it.

I simply deselected the checkbox next to the “Foxit_ConvertToPDF_Reader” option in MenuMaid.

The context menu item has been removed instantly from the right-click menu.

Right Click Enhancer

Right Click Enhancer is a free context menu editor for Windows. It provides ‘File Types Editor‘ tool to serve the purpose of customizing context menu. As the name suggests, this tool lets you edit commands for a particular file type with a specific extension.

For every file type, it shows available commands which you can add/remove to/from its context menu. In addition to that, you can even add a new one to context menu. For that, you need to enter name of command, choose location of script (or application) to carryout the action, type command line arguments pass to script or application, and choose an icon. You can also edit or delete already existing commands. Also, it lets you export commands as Registry files (.reg).

It is a good context menu customizer with user-friendly interface. Apart from English, it lets you change interface language to Chinese, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Russian, etc. It provides many other tools (Right Click Tweaker and Right Click Editor IE) to edit context menu, but they didn’t work while testing.

Easy Context Menu

Easy Context Menu is a portable context menu editor. It makes the task of customizing context menu quite easy, hence the name. It provides some predefined menu items to add to following context menu:

  • Desktop Context Menu and My Computer Context Menu: It lets you add ‘command prompt‘ and ‘select all files‘ options to Desktop and My Computer context menu. You can also add sets of menu items to context menu including Tools (Delete Temporary Files, Reduce Memory, Copy IP, Fix Print Spooler, Block Keyboard, etc.), System Tools (Computer Management, Task manager, Run, Registry Editor, Snipping Tool, Msconfig, Sticky Notes, All Tasks, etc.), and Turn Off Options (Turn Off Menu, Lock User, Hibernate, Restart, Shut Down, etc.).
  • Drives Context Menu: To drives’ context menu, you can add menu options including Open Command Prompt Here, Disk Cleanup, Defrag, and Change Icon.
  • File and Folder Context Menu: Here, you can add options like Take Ownership, Block Access, Change Icon, Copy Folder Contents List, Change Attributes, Open with Notepad, etc.
  • Exe File Context Menu: To any exe file, you can add options like Run with Parameters, Add To Firewall, and Delete From Firewall.

Using List Editor option, you can customize above list of context menus by editing their title and icon. You can add new menu or submenu items too. Other options let you enable/disable position of menu (top, middle, or bottom), use of shift key, etc. It provides various other features like ContextMenu Cleaner, Jump Registry Key, Change User Account Control Settings, etc.

It is one of the best context menu editor as it lets you easily add options to context menu as per your preferences. You can disable menu items later to revert back to original context menu. Its user interface is simple and intuitive.

Fast Explorer

Fast Explorer is another alternative for a context menu customizer. It lets you add Static Items and Submenu Items to manage static and dynamic file objects’ context menus, respectively. To do so, you can add application (exe, cmd, or bat) and specify file type (folder, file, network, text files, audio files, etc.) and key. You can further customize menus by modifying item text and background. Also, you can modify icon of an added item.

It also provides Static Items Cleanup feature to delete static items from context menu. You can choose a particular file type or extension to enable or disable respective menu options. You can also use Shell Extensions Cleanup tool to delete shell extension entries from the registry.

Fast Explorer is another context menu editor with simple interface. It supports English and French languages only. You can revert back to last saved context menu anytime.

Основные пункты контекстного меню

Выпадающие меню присутствуют практически везде, даже в главном меню «Пуск». В любом из них можно увидеть некоторые пункты, помеченные стрелочками. Это делается для того чтобы показать, что сам пункт содержит дополнительные подпункты.

Как обычно, для файлов и папок в самом верху обязательно присутствует команда «Открыть», выделенная жирным шрифтом. При клике на этой строке применительно к файлам произойдет их открытие в какой-либо программе. Нужно знать, что выделение происходит только в случае задания самим приложением ассоциации файла именно с этой программой. В противном случае использование этой команды приведет только к тому, что система предложит произвести обзор и выбрать наиболее подходящее приложение. Если с файлом сопоставлено несколько программ, можно использовать строку «Открыть с помощью…», в которой и будет находиться список программ, работающих с расширением искомого файла.

Само собой разумеется, что в контекстном меню того же Проводника присутствуют команды типа «Копировать», «Удалить», «Вырезать», «Вставить», «Отправить», «Переименовать», «Создать ярлык» и т.д. Это знает даже ребенок. С другой стороны, здесь имеется и строка «Свойства», применение которой предоставляет пользователю полную информацию об используемом объекте.

Так, например, при вызове такой команды при клике на значке компьютера на рабочем столе можно получить общие сведения об основных параметрах компьютерной системы и установленной «операционке». Для рабочего стола в контекстном меню предусмотрено в основном только использование настроек и параметров синхронизации папок с атрибутами общего доступа.

В некоторых меню имеются и средства администрирования или инспектирования выбранных элементов.

Lammer Context Menu

Lammer Context Menu is another freeware to edit context menu. It provides some commands to add or remove to/from context menu. For example, you can add/remove commands like Copy Path, Copy Content, Run With Arguments, PowerShell, Batch Rename, Hex Edit, Text FX, Select By Type, Time Stamp, Join Files, Path Operations, Search and Replace, Pack to Folder, Unmount Virtual Drive, Register/Unregister DLL, and some more.

It displays a separate Lammer Context Menu in the desktop’s context menu on hitting key ‘Shift+Right-click‘. It displays icons of added commands too.

This context menu editor lets you set general preferences, enable proxy server, add external programs with text editor and hex editor, etc.


MenuMaid is another one of the context menu editor software for Windows. It lets you enable/disable menu items to manage context menu of Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. For Internet Explorer, you can enable/disable ‘Export to Microsoft Excel’ and ‘Send to OneNote’ options only. For Windows Explorer, you can customize context menu for directories, drives, folders, etc. You can add or remove editable menu options like Antivirus Scan, Advanced SystemCare, Library Location, Pin to start screen, etc.

MenuMaid is a basic context menu customizer to simply enable or display options. It doesn’t let you add additional menu items to your context menu.


It’s a compact tool where you can find the list of static menu items that show up on your right-click menu as you right-click on any of your Windows applications. ShellMenuView enables us to disable/enable any of the context menu items. This is especially useful for those who want to disable any unwanted menu entry.


  • It does not need to be installed or no added DLLs required.
  • To start it, simply copy the executable file to any desired folder, and launch.
  • Add the “LegacyDisable” key to the preferred menu option in the Registry to active the “Disable” feature.
  • Option to view the list of menu items on the main window of the software from where you can select one or more items to disable/enable.
  • It allows you to set or delete the extended function of the menu option.

The program is compatible with all major versions of Windows (XP, 2000, UtilityServer 2003/2008, and Windows 7 and above).

Price: Freeware.


Shell Extensions are something that is already installed on your system and you can access the details of these extensions using the ShellExView application. Basically, the extensions are known to broaden the capabilities of your Windows OS.


  • It features a simple and clean interface.
  • It allows you to disable specific Right-Click menu entries, thus, protecting your PC from crashes.
  • Automatically runs a scan on the system on launch and generates a view of all the shell extensions, along with other important details like the product name, company, file extensions, file name, version, type, description, and more.
  • Get access to more control options, for instance, right-click on any menu item, select any available tools including enable/disable chosen entries, run a Google search, save/copy selected entries, and more.
  • Shows the exact details on the main window and the “Property” window, in an all improved screen.
  • It does not need to be installed.

Works with minimum computer resources and works perfectly with all the Windows versions.

Price: Free

Работаем с реестром

При работе с Реестром Windows нужно быть очень внимательным. Чтобы оказаться в реестре нужно в меню «Пуск» задать поиск, набрав «regedit», и запустить найденный исполняющий файл «regedit.exe»:

Создаём копию

Перед редактированием Реестра любой версии Виндовс (в том числе и Windows 7) не забываем для подстраховки создавать его резервную копию. Для этого в редакторе нужно на вкладке «Файл» выбрать команду «Экспорт». Избрать «Весь реестр» внизу открывшегося диалога. Присвоив имя и указав место — «Сохранить»:

Если случится непоправимое (особенно для неопытного человека) вернуть реестр в прежнее состояние можно по команде «Файл»/«Восстановить», указав ранее созданный резервный файл.

Сам реестр выглядит древовидной блок-схемой (в левой части), каждая из веток которого имеет свои параметры (справа). За контекстное меню папок отвечают ветки «shell», «Shellex ContextMenuHandlers» и «Folder\shell» каталога «HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Directory». Подробнее рассмотрев указанные ветки, можно убедиться, что папка «shell» вбирает в себя верхнюю часть контекстного набора, а «Shellex ContextMenuHandlers» — нижней. Папка же «Folder\shell» — повторяет предыдущую.

Удаление программных элементов из набора производится в каждой из веток. По правой мышке выделяется элемент удаления, вызывается команда «Удалить»:

Теперь для файлов

Здесь используется та же процедура, но в других ветках. Так как за набор команд Context Menu для файлов отвечают ветки «*/shellexContextMenuHandlers» и «*/shell» в разделе реестра «HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT»:

Процедура удаления совершенно аналогична. Не забываем только удалять ненужное в обеих ветках.

Как добавить?

Есть очень простой метод добавления, не требующий углубления в системные «недра». Достаточно воспользоваться встроенными возможностями ОС, которые «лежат на поверхности».

  • Вызываем контекстное меню на любом файле нужного формата (docx, txt, html и т.д.);
  • Переходим к варианту альтернативного запуска и в появившемся списке видим перечень доступных программ, а в самом низу – возможность выбора другого приложения:

Отобразиться более расширенный список подходящего программного обеспечения. Если желаемого пункта там не увидели, то следует выполнить поиск вручную:

Указываем путь к файлу, ответственному за запуск приложения. Когда будет добавлено в лист, отмечаем галочкой пункт «Всегда использовать для открытия…» (если необходимо) и нажимаем на «ОК».

Достаточно один раз выполнить перечисленные действия, и нужная программа навсегда «пропишется» в вариантах для определенного формата файлов.

Можно добиться аналогичного эффекта и с помощью редактирования реестра, но это не самый интересный и простой метод. Достаточно инструкции, которую я предоставил выше.


CCleaner is one of the most popular and widely used PC optimization and cleaning utilities for Windows. This simple piece of software is filled with so many features like registry optimization, duplicate file finder, startup optimizer, etc. But one of the lesser-known features of this software is that it can also be used to manage your Context Menu items so that you can easily disable or even delete them as needed.

To manage context menu items, install CCleaner, open it from the Start menu, navigate to “Tools -> Startup,” and then select the tab “Context Menu.” Here, select the context menu item you want to disable, and click on the “Disable” button. If you want to completely delete the item, click on the “Delete” button.

If you want to modify the registry value of a particular context menu option, then right-click on the menu item and then select the option “Open in RegEdit.”

Easy Context Menu

Unlike other applications on the list, Easy Context Menu is a portable application which lets you add a whole bunch of new and useful context menu options and even lets you disable or delete the options you no longer need or use.

Being a portable application, you don’t have to install it. Just download the application from the official site and open the executable depending on your system architecture (32- or 64-bit).

The user interface itself is simple. You can add a whole bunch of options with just a click or two. All you have to do is select the option you want to add, and click on the “Apply Changes” button.

For example, I want to add the “Take Ownership” option, so I’ve selected the “Take Ownership” checkbox under the “Folder Context Menu” category and clicked on the Apply button.

The above action will instantly add the option to the right-click menu.

If you want to remove an already added context menu item, navigate to the “File” menu and select the option “ContextMenu Cleaner.”

From the ContextMenu Cleaner window, select the option you want to remove, and click on the “Disable” button.

Add various context-menu entries to This PC, desktop, files, and folders (e.g. ‘Open Command Prompt Here,’ ‘Select All Files,’ ‘Delete Temporary Files’), and remove unnecessary context-menu items

What’s new in Easy Context Menu 1.6:

  • – Windows 10 Registry writing Problem
  • – Restricted user permission issues
  • – If you change A Gorup name on List editor , target combo menu doesn’t update itself
  • – Block Keyboard Need Admin permission

Read the full changelog

Easy Context Menu is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help you add various entries to the context menu of This PC, desktop, as well as files and folders.

Portable running mode

You can keep Easy Context Menu stored on USB flash drives or other portable devices. Gaining access to its features requires only opening the executable file.

Clean feature lineup

The tool impresses with a well-organized suite of features. It reveals a list with all available options in the main panel and organizes them in different categories, namely Desktop, My Computer, Drives, Folder, File, and Exe File.

The best part about working with this program is that it gives you the freedom to quickly select the items that you want to include or exclude in/from the context menu. You may enable all context menu entries for an entire category.

Support for a wide range of context-menu shortcuts

There are a lot of options that you can include in the context menu of your desktop (e.g. ‘Open Command Prompt Here,’ ‘Select All Files,’ ‘Delete Temporary Files,’ ‘Reduce Memory,’ ‘Block Mouse and Keyboard,’ ‘Registry Editor,’ ‘Device Manager,’ ‘Lock User,’ ‘Log Off’), My Computer (e.g. ‘Copy IP,’ ‘Show or Hide Hidden Files and Folders,’ ‘Restart,’ ‘Shut Down’), Drives (e.g. ‘Disk Cleanup,’ ‘Defrag’), Folder (e.g. ‘Take Ownership,’ ‘Block Access,’ ‘Permanently Delete’), File (e.g. ‘Open with Notepad,’ ‘Change Attributes’), and Exe File (e.g. ‘Run with Parameters,’ ‘Add to Firewall’).

Editing features

Advanced users may venture into tweaking several aspects about each context-menu item, such as title, executable file, parameter, and icon. In addition, you are allowed to add new entries and submenus.

Context-menu cleaner

A smart feature embedded in Easy Context Menu helps you remove old items from the context-menu that are no longer useful to you. The tool automatically builds up a list with all of them and lets you select the ones that you want to delete or keep. You can also view information about each entry, such as name and registry key, jump to the selected registry key, and disable items.

Performance assessments

We have tested Easy Context Menu on Windows 8.1 Pro and noticed that it accomplishes the context menu adjustments very quickly and without errors. It is friendly with system resources so the overall performance of the computer is not affected.

An efficient context menu manager

The final verdict is that Easy Context Menu proves to be of great help when it comes to enhancing the functionality of your context menu or getting rid of useless entries. The intuitive layout makes it an ideal candidate for rookies and professionals alike.

Opening on Files

Simply pass the extension of the file you want to open onto when creating the menu.

fc = menus.FastCommand('Weird Copy', type='.txt', command='touch ?x', command_vars='FILENAME']) # opens on .txt files


There are different locations where a context menu can fire (if you right click on a folder you’ll get different options then if you right click on a file). The variable controls this behavior in the library, and you can reference this table to determine the :

Name Location Action
FILES HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\*\shell\ Opens on a file
DIRECTORY HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\shell Opens on a directory
DIRECTORY_BACKGROUND HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\Background\shell Opens on the background of the Directory
DRIVE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Drive\shell Opens on the drives(think USBs)

Important notes

  • The code can sometimes be really weird when it comes to admin rights on Windows. The method will automatically prompt for admin rights if required, but this can cause issues sometimes. Admin rights no longer required as of version 1.2.0.

  • Almost all of the errors I’ve encountered in testing were when the code and the functions were in the same file. You should make a separate file for the code or surround it with .


While CCleaner is best known for removing junk files, speeding up the start process, repair registry, or for browser security, it can also remove shortcuts for unwanted programs from the context menu. This is especially good for those programs that either offer you no choice of removing them or simply invade secretly.


  • The Context Menu option is located under the Tools section of the program. Click “Startup” to view the programs that are set up to run as soon as the browser is launched.
  • You can then choose the entry/entries under the Context Menu tab to Disable/Delete them. On disabling, the option will still be available for later use if you change your mind.

It basically offers a safer way to remove the entries than messing up with the registry.

Price: Free download available; Upgrade available at $12.49


ContextEdit is an old, yet still very much functional, context menu editor with advanced features. It lets you edit both the Shell Commands and the Context menu handlers. Moreover, you can create your own context menu options if you like. Unlike other context menu editors, ContextEdit lets you edit context menu items based on file type and extensions. This gives you greater flexibility when managing context menu options.

To start, download the application and install it like any other Windows software. Once installed, open it.

At first glance, the user interface may look a bit old and clunky, but it gets the job done. Since ContextEdit lets you manage context menu items based on file type and extension, you need to select the file type or extension each and every time.

For instance, I want to remove the “Open in new Window” and “Pin to Start” options when I right-click on a folder in File Explorer.

I searched for “Folder” under “Select extension or file type” and deselected the checkboxes “opennewwindow” and “Pin to Start Screen.”

The changes are instant, and you no longer see those context menu options.

If you want to create your own context menu option, you can do so by clicking on the “New” button under the “Shell Commands” category.

Do comment below sharing your thoughts and experiences about using the above applications to manage your right-click context menu options.

Vamsi Krishna

Vamsi is a tech and WordPress geek who enjoys writing how-to guides and messing with his computer and software in general. When not writing for MTE, he writes for he shares tips, tricks, and lifehacks on his own blog Stugon.

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