Обзор veeam agent for microsoft windows: версия 2.1

Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE

Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE is a simple tool designed to backup Windows-based laptops and desktops, and rapidly recover lost data in case of failure. There are many scenarios in which this solution can come in handy — your PC is corrupted by malware and can’t access data or the OS fails to start. Because of its flexibility, you can perform full backups of the entire PC, volume-level backups for selected drives or file-level backups for particular files and folders.

Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE is compatible with Windows 10, can be integrated with Veeam Backup & Replication and can easily be installed on the computer you want to protect.

I recommend trying the beta version of Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows, the successor of Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE that will be released soon and will bring more business-oriented features. But no worries, there will always be a free version of Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows!

You can restore individual files and folders from Veeam Agent backups. You can browse to files and folders in the backup and restore the necessary files and folders to their initial location to a new location.

Scheduling the script

Before you schedule the script, be sure to try starting it manually to ensure that it performs as expected.

The easiest way to schedule the script to perform periodic backup automatically is to use Windows Task Scheduler. Simply go to the Task Scheduler tool, and create a new basic task:

Assign a name and a description for it, so that you can easily remember what this task does.

The next page is the Task Trigger. It is pretty basic, and self-explanatory. The available options are quite flexible (everything from running backups several times a day or once a month is possible), so set there whatever values that address your RPO requirements. Most people use daily backups:

Set the start time for the task for the off hours. In this example, the task runs every evening at 22:00 PM beginning on April 22, 2015.

On the subsequent Action page, specify that you want the scheduled task to Start a program, and then click Next.

On the Start a Program pane, you place the following command into Program/script:

Powershell –file “Path to Veeamzip.ps1 file”

That’s it! But we may want to open the task once it is created to make a couple of additional changes. To do so, select the Open the Properties dialog for this task when I click Finish:

Since the task is to be run on a server, where a user might not be logged when the task takes place, it is worth to enable the task to run regardless of whether or not the user is logged on by associating the user’s credentials with the task.

Once you’re done, right-click the job and select Run to ensure that the task completes properly:

PowerShell gives the users what they have always wanted from Veeam Backup Free Edition!

Now that you are armed with this new awesome capability, you now should be able to achieve the long-awaited goal – do scheduled backups with the use of Veeam Backup Free Edition, which provides far more backup and recovery features than script-based free backup solution alternatives.

Check out these other cool resources:

  • Veeam whitepaper: The hitchhiker’s guide to Veeam Backup Free Edition
  • Veeam blog: What’s new in v8 for Backup Free Edition
  • Veeam PowerShell forum
  • Download sample script for VMware  
  • Download sample script for Hyper-V  
  • Veeam Powershell Scripts — Beginners guide 

GD Star Rating
Veeam Backup Free Edition: Now with PowerShell!, 4.8 out of 5 based on 28 ratings

Gratuito per sempre — VM illimitate

Quindi, una volta superate le 10 istanze, cosa si può fare per proteggere le VM rimanenti? Se con l’edizione Community ottieni le funzionalità dell’edizione Standard fino a 10 VM, sarai comunque in grado di utilizzare VeeamZIP per le VM in più che non rientrano nel tetto delle 10 istanze. Sì, proprio come prima, ti consentiamo di proteggere un un numero illimitato di VM con VeeamZIP gratuitamente. A questo punto, probabilmente ti starai chiedendo: come funziona? Una volta consumate le 10 istanze, non sarà più possibile utilizzare la funzionalità estesa inclusa nell’edizione Standard e quando si tentano di eseguire job di backup aggiuntivi, essi non saranno eseguiti correttamente, dato che la quantità della licenza è stata superata. Pertanto, cerca di essere attento e selettivo per quanto riguarda le VM che stai proteggendo con i job di backup completi — accertati di usare le prime 10 istanze per le VM più importanti, che richiedono RPO stringenti.

E per le rimanenti VM, meno importanti, puoi ancora utilizzare VeeamZIP! Se non conosci VeeamZIP, è un modo semplice per eseguire il backup ad hoc di una VM. VeeamZIP recupera l’immagine della VM, la comprime e la archivia come file di backup full (.VBK), svolgendo il ruolo di singolo punto di ripristino. È bene notare che quando si usa questa opzione, non è disponibile l’opzione di eseguire i backup incrementali. Inoltre, ricorda che, in questo momento, VeeamZIP è supportato solo per le VM.


The NEW Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition is the must-have, FREE solution that provides host-based backup and replication for VMware, Hyper-V and AHV; as well as an agent-based backup solution for Windows and Linux workstations and servers – whether they are physical computers or running in the public cloud. It offers a tremendous set of capabilities and is significantly more powerful than its predecessor (Veeam Backup Free Edition) or any other free backup product on the market. In fact, it is even more powerful than several paid backup solutions offered by other vendors. This is our gift to you and there are no strings attached — you are free to utilize the Community Edition any way you want — be it for your home lab, or for your critical line of business applications in case of IT budget constraints. , and while you’re at it, feel free to reference the to help you get started.

NOVITÀ di Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition

In sintesi, l’edizione Community è la generazione successiva di Veeam Backup Free Edition (il cui uso è stato dismesso).

Veeam Backup Free Edition era abbastanza limitato e includeva solo 13 funzionalità. Sebbene fossero disponibili funzionalità di base, agli utenti mancava ancora la possibilità di pianificare i job di backup, di utilizzare la replica, e potevano solo eseguire i backup full ad hoc delle proprie VM. Inoltre, Veeam Backup Free Edition mancava del supporto per il backup dei computer fisici.

Tutto questo è finito! L’edizione Community offre ora TUTTE le funzionalità offerte nell’edizione Standard a pagamento (vedi l’elenco delle funzionalità qui), senza alcun costo, con in più la capacità di effettuare backup incrementali e di pianificare i job di backup senza la necessità di utilizzare PowerShell, che storicamente è stato considerato il lato negativo più rilevante per i nostri utenti della Free Edition. Inoltre, come indica la differenza nel nome, Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition offre la funzionalità di replica per alcune VM d’importanza critica che richiedono il ripristino più rapido in caso di disastro. Infine, l’elemento rivoluzionario più significativo è la protezione per i server fisici e le workstation, che consente di proteggere tutti i carichi di lavoro da un’unica console.  E soprattutto, è completamente gratuito, incluso l’utilizzo in produzione!

Parliamo ora di alcune di queste funzionalità disponibili gratuitamente con maggiore dettaglio.

Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Group

Starting with Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 4, Microsoft Exchange database availability group (DAG) nodes are now automatically processed in a sequential manner, so it is possible to use Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows to process Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups (DAGs).

The procedure of adding a DAG to a Veeam Agent backup job differs depending on the type of the DAG that you want to process:

  • For a regular DAG, the backup job configuration procedure is the same as for any failover cluster mentioned above, so all the steps above are relevant
  • For an IP Less DAG (a DAG without an Administrative Access Point), the backup job configuration procedure is similar to the same procedure for standalone servers. To process an IP Less DAG, you must create a Veeam Agent backup job for servers in the Veeam backup console and add  all nodes of the IP Less DAG (the steps below show it in detail) to this job.

Then add servers that act as DAG nodes to a Veeam Agent backup job for servers configured in Veeam Backup & Replication.

During the backup process, Veeam Backup & Replication detects that servers in the backup job are part of a DAG, and creates a transactionally consistent backup of Microsoft Exchange databases running on these servers (only passive database copies are processed, active ones are excluded from VSS freeze operations; however, the job still copies all the correspondent EDB-files of all databases from all the nodes).Application-aware processing should be enabled for a consistent backup, log truncation and application-item restore possibility.

Method A: Same Job, New Backup location

  1. In > , create a new repository for the new location where backup files will be located.
  2. Manually move the backup files to the new repository path. You must include the metadata file (.vbm), full backup files (.vbk), and any needed incremental files (.vib or .vrb).Notes:
    • It is recommended to move all backup files, but you can omit incremental files if needed. If you decide to not move/copy all backup files to the new storage, you will need to use the “Forget Missing Restore Points” function to clear any references to backup files that were not moved/copied.
    • Also keep in mind that there will be folders created inside the directory/path for job names. If your repository path is set as E:\Backups, Job A will go to E:\Backups\Job A.
  3. Rescan the new repository.

  4. If the backup files are not encrypted, skip this step. If the backup files are encrypted, the encrypted backup will appear under the Backups > Disk (encrypted) node in the inventory pane. In the working area, select the imported backup and click Specify Password on the ribbon or right-click the backup and select Specify password. More Information This is also relevant for encrypted Veeam Agent backups.
  5. Edit the Backup\Backup Copy Job. Go to the Storage\Target tab, and from the drop-down menu, select the new repository.
  6. Press Finish to finalize the setting. If you no error occurs, and the job now lists the new repository in its Repository column, the mapping has been completed.Note: If you encounter the following error: “Move all backup files to the new backup repository first”, some restore points the software was expecting to find were not found in the new repository. Cancel out of the job configuration and check both the old repository location and the new location to verify that all restore points have been moved. Then return to step 3 again.

If the steps above do not work, and you still get stopped at the «Move all backups files to the new backup repository first» error, please contact . You may also attempt Method B below.

Параметры сценария

Сценарий позволяет создавать резервные копии работающих ВМ, которые запущены как на автономных хостах, так и в кластерах или на сервере vCenter

Перед запуском сценарий необходимо указать значения трех обязательных параметров: имена ВМ для резервного копирования, размещающие эти ВМ хосты и каталог, куда будут сохранены копии. Обратите внимание: сценарий был обновлен 18 мая по отзывам наших пользователей

По желанию вы можете изменить степень сжатия и срок хранения копии, отключить заморозку VMware и настроить уведомления:

Если вы хотите получить отчет о создании резервной копии по электронной почте, необходимо также установить следующие настройки уведомлений.

Итоговый отчет будет выглядеть следующим образом:

Name Start Time End Time Result Details
CentOS-tiny_2015-03-26T180459 3/26/2015 6:04:59 PM 3/26/2015 6:07:17 PM Warning Processing finished with warnings at 3/26/2015 6:07:13 PM Cannot use VMware Tools quiescence because VMware Tools are not found.
CentOS-tiny_replica_2015-03-26T180720 3/26/2015 6:07:20 PM 3/26/2015 6:11:20 PM Success Processing finished at 3/26/2015 6:11:18 PM

Все указанные настройки производятся с помощью значений соответствующих переменных. Если вы хотите, чтобы файлы резервных копий удалялись через две недели, для переменной $Retention следует установить значение «In2Weeks» (строка) и т. д. Нет необходимости описывать здесь назначение каждой переменной и перечислять допустимые значения: в типовом сценарии дано краткое описание всех переменных.

More Information

See the following scenarios in other KB articles:

  1. How to migrate a backup chain to Scale-Out Backup Repository (SOBR) — KB2236.
  2. How to migrate a backup chain created by Veeam Agent operating in the standalone mode to the Veeam Cloud Connect Repository — KB3158.
  3. How to migrate a backup chain created by Veeam Agent operating in the managed mode to the new Veeam backup repository or Cloud Connect repository — KB2849.
  4. How to migrate a backup chain created by Veeam Backup & Replication to the new Veeam backup repository — KB1729.

Please be aware that we’re making changes which will restrict access to product updates for users without an active contract.

Microsoft Windows Server Failover Clusters, Microsoft SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances, SQL Always On Availability Groups

InventoryPhysical & Cloud InfrastructureAdd GroupMicrosoft Active DirectoryProtection GroupActive DirectoryActive Directory Users and ComputersFailover Cluster ManagerExclusion Install backup agentOptions NOTE: network and DNS requirementshttps://docs.microsoft.com/bs-latn-ba/azure/virtual-machines/windows/nsg-quickstart-portal

Specific fault tolerance configurations may have Azure load balancer deployed — https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/load-balancer/load-balancer-ha-ports-overviewIn this scenario, make sure that the corresponding rules are added the load balancer configuration, otherwise part of the Veeam traffic will be dropped — https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/load-balancer/configure-load-balancer-outbound-cli

Home Backup JobBackup > Windows computerFailover clusterComputers Add NOTE:

Wait, there’s more FREE software!

NEW Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition isn’t the only free product being upgraded for our community of loyal followers. Veeam ONE, our monitoring and reporting solution, also has a new Community Edition that you can download and use for free in your environment.

NEW Veeam ONE Community Edition is the next generation of the former Veeam ONE Free Edition with some major additions . The biggest enhancement is the ability to monitor and report on your Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure and Veeam Agents (with similar quantity limitations as New Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition). Here’s some of the capabilities provided:

Veeam Backup & Replication monitoring & reporting

If you want to know which VMs are protected, and which are not, then our Protected VMs report from the Veeam Backup & Replication report pack is here to help. Not only does this report list all VMs that have backups within a defined recovery point objective (RPO), but it also shows which VMs lack backups. You can even review the reason why some VMs are unprotected. For example, if you provisioned a new VM and forgot to add it to the backup job, Veeam ONE will spot this and will immediately inform you about this via the Protected VMs report.

Virtual infrastructure monitoring

NEW Veeam ONE Community Edition does not have any limitations on the number of VMs you can monitor in the virtual infrastructure. This has been true with Veeam ONE Free Edition and remains the same for Community Edition, but now we give you even more features! In addition to the ability to identify performance bottlenecks in your virtual infrastructure, you can now make decisions right in the Veeam ONE UI to resolve these issues via our NEW Remediation Actions that are available to ALL Veeam ONE users. These actions can do things like automatically remove an orphaned VM snapshot or add an unprotected VM to a backup job with a single click!

As you can see, NEW Veeam ONE Community Edition together with NEW Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition are like peanut butter and jelly!

Powerful and flexible restores

Veeam Backup Free Edition supports several data recovery scenarios, beginning with recovery of a VM file and going all the way to restoring an entire VM. The list includes:

  • Restoring VM files (.vmdk, .vmx and others for VMware; .vhd, .vhdx, .xml and others for Hyper-V). Veeam Backup Free restores VM files directly from deduplicated, compressed backups without having to extract the VM from the backup.
  • Restoring an entire VM. You can restore an entire VM to the same location or to a new location.
  • Restoring VM disks (VMware). If a VM disk becomes corrupted by an OS failure or some other cause, you can simply restore the affected VM disk and connect it to the original or recovered VM.
  • Restoring guest OS files. You can restore guest OS files for Windows FAT and NTFS file systems, and also ReFS with OS-level deduplication when running Windows Server 2012. Moreover, a special wizard and a virtual helper appliance provide support for 17 additional file systems. In all cases, Veeam Backup Free Edition is able to restore the guest files without having to extract the entire virtual disk image from the backup.

Figure 2: Restoring guest OS files with Veeam Backup Free Edition v7

Restoring individual Microsoft Exchange and SharePoint items. v7 makes easy work of restoring Exchange and SharePoint items from one agentless backups, even in the free edition.

What is NEW in Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition?

Simply put, Community Edition is the next generation of Veeam Backup Free Edition (which has now been discontinued).

Veeam Backup Free Edition was quite limited and only included 13 features. While basic functionality was available, users still lacked the ability to schedule backup jobs, utilize replication, and were only able to perform ad-hoc full backups of their VMs. Veeam Backup Free Edition also lacked support for physical computer backup.

The good news is, these days are over! Community Edition now provides ALL the features offered in our paid Standard edition (see feature list here) at no cost, with the most significant added capability being able to perform incremental backups and scheduling backup jobs without needing to use PowerShell, which historically has been seen as the biggest drawback for our Free Edition users. Next, as the difference in the name implies, Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition provides VM replication functionality for those few, most important VMs that require the fastest restore in case of a disaster. Finally, the biggest game changer is protection for physical servers and workstations, enabling you to protect all your workloads from a single console. And best of all — it’s completely free, including for production use!

Let’s discuss some of the features that are now available for free in more detail.


Getting back to encryption, data security is a critical part of the backup strategy. Backup data must be protected from unauthorized access, especially when a sensitive VM data is backed up to an offsite location or archived to tapes. To keep your data safe, you can encrypt your VeeamZIP backups. As noted above, this requires choosing a file containing the encryption password.

Of course, you could provide the password to a script as a plain text string. However, regular strings are insecure (to the say the least), since they are stored in memory as plain text. As a result, most PowerShell cmdlets will simply not accept passwords in this form.

A secure string is a better option. This type is like the usual string, but its content is encrypted in memory. It uses reversible encryption so the password can be decrypted when needed, but only by the principal that encrypted it. To create a secure string you need to open the PS console, and type the following two lines. When executed, the code will ask you to prompt a password and, then, save it as a secure string into a file:

$SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt «Enter password» -AsSecureString

$SecurePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString > “Directory where secure string should be stored; C:\SecureString.txt, for instance”

After that, specify the path to the newly-created file in the main script:

# Protect resulting backup with encryption key (Optional; $True/$False)

$EnableEncryption = $True

# Encryption Key (Optional; path to a secure string)

$EncryptionKey = «C:\SecureString.txt»


Our FREE tools provide a high level of functionality and features that cover a wide range of requirements. The vulnerable areas or your virtual and physical infrastructure can be strengthened without any expenditure. You can find the complete catalog of our free products here.

Other resources

  • Veeam Agent for Linux is now available!
  • Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE 1.5 is here!
  • Veeam Endpoint Backup Free Architecture & Requirements

Do you have a success story of protecting your data using any free Veeam tools? Share it with us on !

GD Star Rating
FREE Veeam tools for powerful data protection, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings


Il NUOVO Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition è la soluzione GRATUITA imperdibile che offre backup e replica basati su host per VMware, Hyper-V e AHV, oltre a una soluzione di backup basata su agenti per workstation e server Windows e Linux — siano essi computer fisici o in esecuzione sul cloud pubblico. Offre un enorme set di funzionalità ed è significativamente più potente rispetto al suo predecessore (Veeam Backup Free Edition) o qualsiasi altro prodotto di backup gratuito sul mercato. È persino più potente di diverse soluzioni di backup a pagamento offerte da altri fornitori. Questo è il nostro regalo, senza alcun vincolo — sei libero di utilizzare l’edizione Community nel modo che preferisci — per il tuo laboratorio domestico o per le tue linee di business più importanti in caso di limiti del budget IT. Scarica la tua copia GRATUITA e inizia oggi stesso!


Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE delivers different possible targets to store backup file in any location of your choice. It could be a local disks, removable devices, shared folder or Veeam Backup and Replication repository. The last option will also give you additional functionality that you can use for your endpoints.

For more information, watch the video.

Read the next chapter:

Ch.5 — Scheduling backups

See also:

Veeam Community Forums: Veeam Agent for Windows (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)

GD Star Rating
Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE: Backup targets more explained, 4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Дополнительные возможности

Командная строка предоставляет полный набор возможностей не только для бэкапа и восстановления данных, но и для решения других задач.

Например, из командной строки можно управлять настройками программы. Выполнив команду:

мы получим следующий результат::

Конфигурация Veeam Agent для Linux была экспортирована в текстовый файл, который можно отредактировать. Veeam Agent для Linux использует локальную базу данных для хранения настроек, а также истории сеансов, заданий бэкапа, информации о репозиториях и практически всей прочей информации, которую можно встретить при работе с программой. Единственный инструмент работы с базой даных и хранящимися в ней настройками — командная строка Veeam. Однако пользователям может потребоваться изменить эту информацию с помощью других инструментов, например, решений для автоматизации. Для этого и нужна подкоманда config.

Команда «export» сохраняет конфигурацию в текстовом файле в формате XML:

<?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″?>

<Config Version=»1″ />


<Repository Name=»Repository_1″ Type=»Share» RepositoryOptions=’&lt;OnShareRepositoryOptions Version=&quot;1&quot; Address=&quot;; FsType=&quot;nfs&quot; Login=&quot;&quot; Password=&quot;&quot; Domain=&quot;&quot; /&gt;’ />

<Repository Name=»STORE» Type=»LocalDrive» RepositoryOptions=’&lt;LocalRepoOptions Version=&quot;1&quot; Location=&quot;/mnt/store&quot; DeviceMountPoint=&quot;/&quot; /&gt;’ />



<Job Name=»BackupJob1″ creation_time=»2016-06-14 19:00:33″ RepoName=»Repository_1″>

<JobOptions Compression=»Lz4″ BlockSize=»KbBlockSize1024″ PrefreezeCommand=»» PostthawCommand=»» MaxPoints=»14″ IsDedupEnabled=»false» Schedule=»false»>

<Schedule Hours=»0″ Minutes=»0″>

<WeekMask Sunday=»false» Monday=»false» Tuesday=»false» Wednesday=»false» Thursday=»false» Friday=»false» Saturday=»false» />




<Object ObjectType=»AllSystem» RecordType=»Include» Value=»» />



<Job Name=»Backup_root» creation_time=»2016-06-14 20:50:51″ RepoName=»Repository_1″>

<JobOptions Compression=»Lz4″ BlockSize=»KbBlockSize1024″ PrefreezeCommand=»» PostthawCommand=»» MaxPoints=»7″ IsDedupEnabled=»false» Schedule=»false»>

<Schedule Hours=»0″ Minutes=»0″>

<WeekMask Sunday=»false» Monday=»false» Tuesday=»false» Wednesday=»false» Thursday=»false» Friday=»false» Saturday=»false» />




<Object ObjectType=»SimpleDisk» RecordType=»Include» Value=»/» />




<VbrServers />

Теперь администратор может изменить любой параметр в файле XML с помощью своего любимого редактора. Служба Veeam получает данные обо всех настройках только из локальной базы данных. Поэтому после внесения изменений в файл конфигурации его надо загрузить, чтобы Veeam Agent для Linux мог использовать новую конфигурацию:

Veeam Agent для Linux сразу же начнет использовать новые настройки.

What’s all the fuss about?

If you’re familiar with the history of Veeam, you know that we have always been committed to providing high-quality, functional technology to the tech community for free. It all started with Veeam FastSCP back in 2006 and continues today with many of our products offered for free to tech community members, IT professionals, and home lab users.

One product, that has been downloaded more times than any other, is the free version of Veeam’s flagship product, Veeam Backup Free Edition. To challenge the status quo, Veeam has decided to enhance this free edition with a SERIOUS upgrade. Welcome our latest free offering and gift to IT Pros — NEW Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition. What is Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition? Simply put, it provides users access to Veeam Backup & Replication Standard edition functionality for FREE for up to 10 VMs or a combination of VMs, physical servers or workstations. How cool is that?!

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